Sunday 18 September 2011

Digipak Advert Analysis'

When digipaks are released, they have to be made known to the fans of the artists. This is why advertisements for them are produced and promoted...

Rihanna's loud digipak

This is the advert for Rihanna's loud album digipak, it shows her in a field with what looks like a dress covered with red roses that she's holding against her, again this suggests that this album is love song themed because of the overuse of roses The fact she's naked, I think reveals that she's an individual that likes to feel sexy most of the time, she's quite a sexual person in herself.

I believe the audience for this digipak, would be big fans of Rihanna, probably between the ages of 12 - 35, I also think the social demographic for this album would be C1, C2, D and E, I think this because I think the general RnB wouldn't appeal to the more upper class social group of A and B, I feel they'd have a much different taste in music. The audience, in my opinion, would be people into RnB music and some soul, I think this aswell, as the music Rihanna produces is kind of RnB and soul genre of music.

The main conventions of an album advert are
  • Bright colours
  • A picture of the artist on the advert
  • Eye - catching font
  • Date of album/single release
  • Title of the album
  • Artists name
This album advert covers most of these conventions, and is a 'typical' album advert. The font is modern, it matches and fits in with the whole advert. The
colouring is done well to match the album digipak and is that 'passionate' red colour, again, suggesting a love song themed album and her hair suggesting a totally different mood, a fiery anger themed album.

The choice of imagery of her, kneeling down clutching onto the dress, suggest that the dress means something to her, that she may have wore it when she was with her love interest, meaning that she wants her love interest back with her. This album advert doesn't give a lot away, which is what we want from an album advert.

Red Hot Chili Peppers digipak

The Red Hot Chili Peppers digipak album advert also does not give a lot away.

Just by looking at the album cover, all it suggests is that it may be space themed album, due to the planets and space looking background, it shows a few of the 'usual' conventions of an album advert such as:

  • Bright colours
  • Eye - catching font
  • Date of album/single release
  • Title of the album
  • Artists name
But other than that, nothing is given away. The choice of imagery is a strange feature, it shows the words 'Stadium Arcadium' which doesn't suggest much, but then in the background there are planets,stars and space, suggesting an album thats 'out of this world' from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the dark colouring suggests the album is a mystery to itself too and so does the simple but interesting design and layout.

The target audience for this digipak, I think would be fans of alternative rock and some rock fans, also I think the social demographic for this is B, C1, C2, D and E, I believe this as a lot of the middle - upper class are into the rock genre of music. The age range for this alternative rock digipak, I would say is 20 - 45, I believe this as a lot of older groups of people, seem to be into this rather than most of the younger age group

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